For the past week our team has been prepping for the upcoming Spring Expo held by the Playcrafting group. After a couple pitfalls, we are well on our way to completing a workable demo of the first couple levels and a boss fight for The Painter’s Apprentice. The last couple of weeks have been intense with many long hours, but the end result is shaping up. We’re steadily making progress and now it’s just about testing. So what have we completed? A whole lot!

- Completed win, lose, home, level select and options menu.
- Implemented small and medium enemy AI.
- Fixed a couple bugs where player was not detecting collision boxes during dive attack.
- Updated attack to be continuous.
- Tutorial level completed.
- Players have all attack options available (dive, dash, regular and paintball).
- Background artwork for all levels completed.
- All player animations updated.
- Mover boss animation finished.
- Final boss concept artwork completed and approved.
- Level 1-4 music completed.
- Basic sound effects approved.
Game Design:
- 3 levels completed.
- 9 levels designed.
We continue to forge ahead at a fairly even pace and while there will likely be some other bumps and hiccups along the way, the path forward is relatively clear of obstacles. This upcoming demo will be the first time we allow others to see The Painter’s Apprentice. It’s a bit nerve-wracking, but these events allow us to get priceless live feedback.
For those in the New York City region, stop by on April 29, 2015 between the hours of 6-9pm. For a limited time only you can get tickets to the Spring Expo for $9 instead of the standard $16. You’ll get to play The Painter’s Apprentice and 74 other indie games. You can also meet two of our team members: Liz Phillips, our marketing and community manager, and Jasmine Greene, the President of Luminosity.